Sunday, September 13, 2009

Avoiding Mediocrity

First off, Congratulations to Matt Olmeda. He SMOKED his first 5K this past weekend with a sub 23 minute time!!! Absolutely FANTASTIC! Congratulations, Matt!!

So why do we train? Is it fun? No, not really. Not when you really get down to brass tacks. Training, while doing it, is anything but fun; it's very hard work.

Why then, do we do it?

I think it is because we are not satisfied with mediocrity. I believe each of us, who finally makes the decision to get off our butts and do something about it, is sick and tired of being bored, mundane, average and living a life we NEVER thought would happen to some way or another.

I can think of nothing worse than living out the rest of my life watching TV, getting weaker and weaker and less and less able to do anything I dreamed of...or anything at all.

No, I believe each of us decided we wanted to do something else. And now that we're here, we may discover that we sold ourselves short as to what we are truly capable of.

Today I will be asking each of you again, what are your goals? Why are you here? What do you hope to accomplish?

You may "just want to feel better" or "get more fit" or lose weight. Or, you may decide that now you really believe you can run your first marathon, or do a triathlon or maybe learn to row.

Whatever it is, I sincerely believe Team Survival can help get you there.

I am so close to being able to unveil the CrossFit side of things to each of you. It is the next step in your training progression, no matter WHAT you wish to accomplish.

Hang tight and Stay tuned...

"Go Keren, Go"
AMRAP in 30 mins of:
Run 400 meters
25 Burpees


I have a very special guest coming. She is considering Team Survival as a boot camp for middle school children 2 days/week. I will be running the boot camp tonight a bit different than usual. Prepare for "motivational consequences".

"Long Susan"

8 rounds for time of:
200m run
10 squats
10 push ups

Followed by: 1 min max jumping pullups

Post names, times and comments.

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